Scalar Waves: What could they Be?
Giorgio Piacenza
Nikola Tesla showed he could send electrical energy without wires. It turned out not to be good for business and it was also classified. He used longitudinal waves. The field pointer travel in the direction of propagation, much like sound waves and plasma waves do. Their potential is “scalar” but longitudinal wave vectors can be produced from them. However, they are simply called “scalar waves.” They can be used to send both information and energy. They could be used to heal or to alter a person or perhaps even an entire community. They can be imprinted with information patterns. They cannot be shielded by Faraday cages and apparently go through matter similar to neutrinos. They may even acquire neutrinos and gain energy from them as Dr. Konstantine Meyl posits. Dr. Meyl has reproduced Tesla's technology of generating electric scalar waves and demostrates it. He also enhanced Maxwell's equations and discovered magnetic scalar waves which may affect biological systems and be used by them to communicate with lettle or no "noise."
These 'scalar' longitudinal waves have closed field lines and cannot be easily detected. These longitudinal waves apparently acquire energy from the vacuum as they propagate so the possibility of extracting extra energy from our link as an open system to the vacuum of space, allowing for an (improperly called) “free energy,” exists. Their Poynting vector would coincide with the direction of propagation and - as a particulate aspect - we can visualize them as hidden vortical pulses themselves made of standing vortices and counter vortices.…perhaps expressions of a dynamic double torus geometry multi-fractal level connection and dynamism allowed by Nassim Haramein’s 64 tetrahedron grid and the isotropic vector matrix and vector equilibrium exchange of information and energies beyween deep and exterior levels in the quantum vacuum.
Perhaps, as Dr. Steven Greer says, an object can be made to resonate using high voltage, high frequency, low amperage electric energy field, being affected so as to tilt outside of spacetime (its spin?) and made to disappear into another “dimension.” I think that what Dr. Greer calls “dimension” actually is another "parallel" physical reality system stemming from a different ratio of how Subtle-Mental and Physical Realms combine. Perhaps the type of Poynting vector and electric field used to achieve this effect derives from using electric scalar waves. Energy moving in the direction of propagation is more convergent and may go back into the center of the zero-point vortex. Perhaps the Hutchinson Effect is also based on producing a scalar field and effects taking place by means of – for instance – a specific interference or space-time/time-space mutually canceling “clash” of static and alternating current fields.
Scalar waves travel faster than light and their variable speed would primarily depend on wavelength and frequency modulation and other factors would be vacuum permittivity and (I suppose) the virtual particle energetic density of the quantum vacuum.
Scalar waves provide communication between the transmitter and receiver as a single whole system. The transmitter “knows” if the receiver is on. Through resonance the receiver acquires electrical energy can operate a motor or light a LED without being hooked to an external power source or a battery. I think that these waves may have a negentropic effect and serve to collect “negative energy states” that could help us to open worm holes, distort space time metric through crystalline (and quasi crystals?) ring toroidal capacitor, and/or making them (similar to plasma waves as per their equations) rotate and counter-rotate producing a specific gravity-cancelling resonant frequency. These scalar component, its vector vortices would exist as an inside component in the overall electromagnetic structure and were even considered possible in Maxwell’s original equations (formulated in his “quaternions” with one real and three imaginary components) but were simplified by Oliver Heaviside in which the vector for scalar field was made = 0.
With the over-simplification, the possibility of contacts with realities beyond 3 spatial and 1 time-forward dimensions was “normalized.” Something similar happened with the dismissal of the negative square root solution of the Klein-Gordon equation and to a few other counter-intuitive (non-classical) but probably valid proposals in physics. As Dr. Scott Virden Anderson mentions in his “Putting Subtle Energies on the Scientific Map” QUATERNIONS (associated with the loss of commutation algebraic and geometric properties and with autopoietic or self- organizing and self-maintaining systems) may be used to describe the first levels of subtle energy (in between the physical and higher realms). Also, even more complex algebras (like octonions and sedenions) may also be appropriate to represent still higher/deeper subtle realms. .
As Thomas Bearden and Konstantine Meyl explain, electrodynamic textbooks repeat the simplification and preserve limited future scientific developments and scientists have been repeating that ever since. In my view, it goes along with a temporary tendency and taboo against anything not corresponding classical intuitive perceptions but this can be overcome. The longitudinal waves were suppressed and speed-of-light-limit-obeying (spacetime limited) transversal Hertzian waves have been used in technological applications until today. Thus, in relation to the competing views between Tesla and Hertz, Hertz won the day for the conventional ‘vanilla’ (other realities, the “paranormal” and parapsychology-rejecting) 'scientific' and conventionally educated world.
The longitudinal waves can be considered as standing wave vortices and I believe more like the counter-rotating, less visible vortex accompanying – for instance – tornadoes. They would be like the 'insides' of the exterior quadrants of Integral Theory.
The scalar component may possibly relate more directly not only with negentropy but with retrocausal influences allowed in quantum-relativistic Klein-Gordon equation. They might be a key to increasing the symmetry between Direct Space Time and Reciprocal Time Space by allowing access to the latter, information-frequency predominant domain, including its negentropic qualities. By harnessing the negentropic – normally hidden – aspect we might cancel spacetime and return parts of it to its origin in the non-physical Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm. This could be done in various ratios (allowing greater interaction with that more fundamental realm) or perhaps it can be done completely to transfer completely outside of spacetime (and its complementary time-space).
American Anti-Gravity (2009). "The Hutchinson Effect: technical Interview with John Hutchinson." Retrieved from:
Bearden, T.E. (2002). "Energy from the Vacuum." Santa Barbara, Cheniere Press.
Greer, S. (2014). "The Crossing Point of Light." Retrieved from
Haramein, N. (2013). "Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass."
Hutchinson, J. (2009). "Hutchinson Effect: Objects Levitate, Metals Mutate, Time Travel" Retrieved from
Meyl, K. "Scalar waves Theory and Experiments"
Retrieved from
Pandora's Box (2014). "Nassim Haramein, The structure of the Vacuum and Crop Circles" Retrieved from
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