By Giorgio Piacenza
What geometric figures may be involved in the operation of inter-reality portals (more colloquially called “interdimensional portals”)?
The Rhombic Dodecahedron formed by diamond-shaped faces is inscribed in the " Vector Equilibrium" mentioned by Nassim Haramein and which is also known as the "Cube Octahedron." The Vector Equilibrium would be a required geometric form that (together with a fractal matrix of 64 tetrahedrons) would maintain the balance of forces in the zero point of energy or the quantum vacuum. It could also energetically and informationally connect every point of the physical universe in a fractal manner through vortices that form toroids.
Each tip of the rhombic dodecahedron points to each face of the Vector Equilibrium or Cube Octahedron and both geometric shapes complement each other.
But the rhombic dodecahedron not only is inscribed in the Vector Equilibrium or Cube Octahedron. It also is the "shadow" or 3D geometric projection of the 4D Tesseract. This might relate Haramein’s model with information about the Tesseract received by credible contactee Ricardo Gonzalez.
An observation: In all these cases we are still talking about geometrically represented ‘spatial’ dimensions and these types of "dimensions" should not be confused with entire physical and non-physical universes or realities (technically speaking, in most cases, "dimension" is not necessarily synonymous with a "reality").
According to information telepathically received by credible contactee Luis Fernando Mostajo, there would be a dodecahedron in the center of the Earth. This would connect Earth multireality-wise or “multidimensionally.”
The "dual" geometric shape of the rhombic dodecahedron is the Cube Octahedron which is the “shadow” or 3D geometric projection of the 4D Tesseract (analogous to a 2D hexagon as the “shadow” of the 3D Cube).
Could we/humanity be telepathically receiving and discovering the first steps in the use of geometries that permit the connection of vortices between levels of physical and non-physical realities? Perhaps between universes located between the so-called “mental” (or “subtle”) and the “physical” (or “gross”) realms?
Nondual Consciousness (simultaneously as subjectivity and being) expressing in an apparent individuated, contingent form would be able to use these geometries (its own projections resulting from self-imposing an illusory limit or finiteness to infinity) to move across its envisioned realities.
The Tesseract the Tesseract can be understood as a universally interconnected and interconnecting geometrical form of Being crossing spiritual and mental reality levels.
If, in any duality based state, Being and Consciousness are mutually necessary and also for each to be separately identified, while Being is understood as the experiential contents of Consciousness (with various degrees of exteriority) and Consciousness as the capacity to experience Being (and, conversely, as the experiential capacity of Being), by experiencing the Tesseract subjectively, we may be able to recognize “objective reality” as both mental and physical. In fact, we may be able to reconnect with a deeper knowledge and function as the distinction between exterior and interior reality experiences is consciously reconciled.
According to credible contactee Ricardo Gonzalez, the Tesseract nodes where the lines meet form vortices. These nodes are the tips that point towards the faces of another geometric figure located in a higher spatial dimension and would be inscribed in that figure.
If the vortex nodes of force (amenable to specific points of spiritual and intentional-coherent group psychic-spiritual work) are located in 4D Tesseracts (which in turn connect with more concrete geometric shapes in 3D) we would also have a connection with geometric shapes of a 5th spatial dimension that perhaps are not only related to physical energies but - even more so - with information, or the form or pattern within…in Ken Wilber’s model, the more mental-like “inside” of the objective singular and plural quadrants expressing reality as objects and systems.
Interestingly, Burhardt Heim´s unifying physical theory of quantum mechanics and relativity (presented to me by Mr. James Fellow) takes into consideration higher spatial dimensions necessary for concrete things, their energies and information.
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